Thursday, 24 May 2012

Vinnytsya continued

South Bug River

Our visit to the beautiful city of Vinnytsya ends first thing in the morning as we will be shuffled off to Kiev for the District Conference and more vocational and cultural experiances.
Today was another action packed non-stop adventure which began with another big breakfast of mini pancakes covered in homemade jam and sweet cream as well as ham and tomatoe buns with black tea.
We thought we were visiting the fire station first thing but found out that fell through so we moved up the fire alarm device factory tour which proved to be very interesting and Kevin even got to bring home a free pull station. Next stop was the main hospital which I would compare to the U of A because it is tied in with the main Medical/ Pharmaceutical University, a great vocational experience for Inessa.
After lunch we were surprized to be able to visit the Fire Academy, a last minute addition that Kevin and I will not soon forget. The Chief and Deputy gave us full orientation and tour of this amazing facility. It is not on par with the technology of Fire ETC in Vermillion; but the interesting thing was that it is a true academic academy, students start at a very young age and go through all Jr and Sr High school training as well as a full slate of Emergency Services course and Fire arms training etc.
The academy was run in true military fashion with young camouflaged students saluting us as we toured the hallways and classrooms. The academy also had a fully operational fire station and a fire museum. (Photos attached)
Next stop was a bigger surprize we thought we had on hour before presenting at the Rotary meeting and the agenda said we were visiting a Dental office, two hours later we were a bit late for the Rotary meeting and had an amazing interactive visit to Vinnytsya Rotarians private surgery clinic where we learned all about his ground breaking Hysterectomy replacement surgery techniques (Uterine Fibroid Embolization) after which he presented us with gifts and refreshments. Then the rush was on as we were late for the Rotary meeting and our presentation, but not worry our hosts Roma and Thu Ha got us back to the apartments and we quickly changed and made the meeting only an hour late. Again the presentation was very well received and because we had wi-fi I spent an hour showing the Vinnytsya Rotarians pictures and videos of Jasper, Edmonton, and the Ukrainian Culture Centre and even our Jasper Rotary Facebook page.
As usual we are up early in the AM we have one quick activity then we are off to Kiev.
Dobra night!

Fire Training Centre Museum

Class in progress!

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